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Promoting fun and safe cycling
in central Oklahoma since 1974

HomeForgot Password

Forgot Password or Login Name

IMPORTANT NOTE: If it has been quite a while since you last renewed your membership, your membership record may have become inactive. In that case, you will not be able to renew that membership. The easiest solution is to simply create a new membership.


Otherwise, when you attempt to log in, but get errors, there is a button that says "Forgot Login/Password" on the login page. Just click that and provide the information requested and you will be sent an automatic password reset email. If you request the reset and use an email address other than the one you have provided OBS, that will not work. If you don't know what email address you provided OBS, see the following paragraph.

If you don't get a password reset email when you follow the instructions above, click HERE to send a message to the website admins via the Contact Us form. Fill in the information and request a password reset in the message text area. You will receive a response from the website with a temporary password so you can login. If the email you use in the Contact Us form is different from the one we have in our database, we will let you know. We can change it to the one you used in the Contact Us if you wish. 

It's important to keep your current email updated on the OBS website because that is tied to your login credentials and it is the way OBS communicates with our members. To change it, you can use the Contact Us form, or you an do it yourself by hovering the mouse pointer over your name in the login area, then clicking on "Profile". Clicking "Contact Info" on the page that pops up allows you to change any of your user information.

Your login name is usually your first initial and your last name (unless you have changed it). If you are not sure of your login name, please note that in your password reset request. We can see your login name, but can never see your password. 

HINT: In the password reset page, there is a box to check that says "Keep me logged in on this device". If you check that box, you will be able to access the website anytime on that device without entering your credentials.